
Monday, October 01, 2007

Ketulusan Hati

Happy Monday y'all!

After 16 years, I'm back into baking last weekend. Baked a choc moist cake on Friday night, followed by Choc Chip Cookies on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to Cik Pijah for the recipe and online encouragement. You see, it was Cik Pijah's blog entry that lifted my 16 years old baking block. Yeah, and you think only authors and bloggers have blocks?

The cookies were gemuk-gemuk as described by Cik Pijah.

Now that I have my very own oven and mixer, I'm going to hunt good cake and biscuit recipes. If you have any, please email to me okay? I'm searching specifically for carrot cake, simple brownies, fruit cake, biskut gajus, samprit bunga cina and biskut mazola.

The title 'Ketulusan Hati' has got nothing to do with baking. It's track number 2 of Anuar Zain's latest album. Go and buy now if you haven't got one. I predict it's going to be one of the most played songs in weddings very soon. I'll not write any review on the album, but trust me it's worth every sen. All these while it has always been Kris Dayanti's Mencintaimu. You can listen to this song at my Multiply and I'm sure you will agree that it is THE 'I love you' song. And the lyrics:

Ketulusan Hati- Anuar Zain

Cintaku tak berdusta
tak mengenal ingkar
tak kenal nestapa

Cintaku hanya indah
hanya bahagia
untuk selamanya

Apa yang kurasakan ini
persembahan untuk dirimu

kaudengarkan kasihku

tak mengenal waktu
tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati

tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku
hanya untuk dirimu

Cintaku tak berdusta
tak mengenal ingkar
tak kenal nestapa

Tak ada seribu janji
hanya bahagia utk selamanya

apa yang kurasakan ini
persembahan untuk dirimu

kaudengarkan kasihku

* * * * * *

I was AZ's fan during his Kain Pelekat years. However, I was not really impressed with the solo albums before this. Couldn't really stand the overly-macho voice. I gave him another chance after listening to him during our STF dinner rehearsal in 2006. He sang Januari (by Glenn) during the rehearsal that afternoon, and I was hooked up. There is another side of that voice, and some voices are much better when properly controlled. Soon after that, there was Perpisahan and of course, the current hit: Lelaki Ini.

Eh, korang... belilah CD tu .... RM34.50 je.

I penah jadik cover magazine dengan dia tau..... don't play play..... hahahaha:

I perasan boleh tahan, okkkkay!


UglyButAdorable said...

eehhh..glamernyer uu!!!! i bangga dapat kawan blogland cam you..leh tumpang sekaki...hehehheeeeheee...

biar perasan dan tahu kiter perasan jgn perasan tapi tak sedar sedar!!!

mak pun kengkadang kaki perasan gak...

Anonymous said...

okay, i'll contribute my gerent-jadi-punya carrot cake or cheese cake. shall email you in a bit. :)

Anonymous said...

Nak sket...

wanshana said...


No wonder la Dayang NF looks so familiar!!! You rupa-rupanya...
(Hehehe...tau tak per...)

Ayah has bought the CD but, I have not had the chance to listen to it. Maybe this weekend I'll have some peace and quiet to enjoy it, insya Allah.

Btw, I ada resipe Biskut Tunjuk if you want...

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

mintak otograp please.

Spena said...

dnas!!!! I want the choc chip recipe. We swap recipes ok? Ada sama macam Famous Amos tak?

all jazzed up said...

dnas, oh how voluptuous your cookies are - macam orang yang membuatnya. nak jugakkkk!!!! Anyway, I did have a Mrs Fields cookie cookbook tapi mana ntah, I'm more of a lauk pauk / pasta person... heheh nak suruh baking in ada lembap sikit.

D.N.A.S said...

best, kan? Perasan sendiri. Puji diri sendiri. Pastu syok pun sendiri2.

mz ayam,
oh thank you thank you..... I like carrot cake.

jemput... jemput... jemput lah datang beraya nanti.

D.N.A.S said...

kak shana,
isy, Biskut Tunjuk tu memang famous zaman sekarang ni. Dengarlah CD tu .... layan lentok tak abis punya.

u nak i sign kat mana? Kat dahi? kat telinga? hiks hiks...

boleh aje. Nanti aku email kat kau. Aku guna chocolate buttons from Van Houten, okay gak lah. Recipe ni tak manis sgt macam Famous Amos tu.

cookies tu jadik sgt voluptuous sebab I used tablespoon instead of teaspoon masa nak bentuk dia. Kalau dah jumpa buku Mrs. Field tu nanti, nak pinjam yeaaaaa....

mikamusz said...
try masuk sini pulak kak..

cpj said...

nanti nak jln raya rumah you lah. nak gak rasa ur kuih samprit tuuh! my feberet!

really worth buying ke AZ nyer cd tuh? baper byk lagu yg best?

Nour said... bagus punya..I gi belilah CD Anuar Zain kejap lagi...I love the song Lelaki ini...:)

D.N.A.S said...

thanks for the link. Ada recipe Asam Pedas Ayam... hmmmmm... best... best...

jemput la datang. Boleh main mercun together-gether.
CD AZ tu sume lagu dia best2.

yesss.... sila-sila. Walaupun I tak dapat komisyen promote ni, tapi... belilah jugak..

Marliza Radzi said...

belum setat buat biskut raya lagi.

ramainya orang promo his album! nak kena beli ni!

D.N.A.S said...

isy kamu ni.... tinggal 9 hari je lagi dah nak raya.... mari le beramai-ramai buat biskut raya.

Iye... beli... beli album AZ tu... sokonglah penyanyi tempatan.

Anonymous said...

dnas..bak la address...I beraya sorang-sorang aje kat rumah so tengah mencari rumah siapa nak gatecrash so I tak payah masak.

east43street said...

Tak perasan lirik lagu tu. Tengah tenang cookies tu.

Hajar said...

adoi!! lagu ini memang best!!! meremang bulu romaku!!!


Da Winged Acrophobic said...

I like how cookies could lead to the perasan declaration.....

Zetty said...

i love the last track, Teman Terulung.

I lap u anuar zain, bila nak masuk meminang? hihih.

D.N.A.S said...

Oh kesiannya beraya sengsorang. You nak datang beraya hari apa? I balik 2 kampung raya ni. Tak sure lagi bila balik KL.

tenung jangan tak tenung.

kan? best banget, kan?

D.N.A.S said...

Encik Wingy,
I'm damn good at story telling, don't you think? (another perasan declaration.)I even know how to link the story about flood in Pendang with a monk in Myanmar. Hmmmm.... maybe one day I should write about that. Heh heh.

I lap that song too. Bestnya kalau best fren dedicate kat kita, kan?
Apa kata u aje lah yang pegi meminang dia? AZ tu pemalu bebenor orangnya.... hahahaha.