My tiny oven has gone back into production mode after being put in a few re-evaluation phases (with high hopes of getting a bigger and more expensive replacement.... hehe). Since I'm only baking a few types of Raya cookies maybe I don't need those big ovens yet. This one is good enough, it's just that have to learn a few tricks to make sure the cookies placed at certain position won't burn.
This month is this oven's first anniversary. I bought it during puasa month last year at Jaya Jusco for a very attractive prize (read: murah gile okay...)
Since then, I've learned to bake cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pizza, grill meat, chicken and even healthy chicken patty (I copied the recipe from AFC).
This year's baking drills started with this Honey Flake cookies using a simple recipe found at the back of a cereal box, I kid you not. No improvisation. I followed the recipe exactly. One recipe can yield about 70 pieces of cookies. Since molding is not a skill I ever attempted to polish, I used the mini muffin pan for baking. Well, at least the soft dough will turn out fine regardless of how you shaped it. To my surprise this recipe was excellent, the cookies have a sensational honey, orange and corn flakes taste. Worth the 3 hours sitting on the kitchen floor.
The second project was Choc Chip Cookies and the recipe was from the internet. I just love all the online recipes with reviews from all over the world. Although some of them are without pictures, from my experience those with good reviews are usually really worth trying. This recipe brought in about 100 pieces of cookies - depending on the size. Lazy bakers like me would just go for bigger size - cepat sikit doh dia abis. However, you must really love chocolate to enjoy this cookie as the chocolaty taste was quite strong. Anyway, by this morning there was only half of the container left as Wazif and Shawqi have been gobbling this into their mouth day and night. They made excuses like, 'Mak, tadi makan nasik sikit... nak makan cookie...' or 'Mak, tak boleh tido lah... nak makan cookie...'
After slaving in front of the tiny oven for hours, came iftar time, I treated myself with this seriously irresistible bandung soda (inspired by Jazz's blog entry title on Monday). It's really easy to make and taste 100 times better than those sold at the PaRam or restaurants. Johoreans should know this recipe too.
So, this weekend I'll be baking some more. Not sure which cookies yet. Need to Google tonight.
awal btl wat kuih raya.....
How small is small? Can we bake by using snack maker? Ngeeee.....
yes darling , the bandung soda is sooo yummy. but remember yummy things are not good for health. high sugar this one has, definitely!!
Lain kali letak warning awal2..this entry must not be read during the day esp tengahari and when it's really hot outside :P~ hehehe
Boleh bakar kambing sekor dalam oven tu...
Oh, pesanan dari penaja...
Mimin nak biskut.
bestnya tengok org buat kuih raya, bilalah musz nak buat sendiri plak nih
the bandung look so yummylicious especially at 1pm during ramadhan! tp i'm johorean yet don't know the air bandung it the one yg tambah ice cream soda tu ke?
6ky angel,
ha'ah, punya lah awal buat choc chip cookies tu dah nak abis pun. Weekend ni kena buat lagi.
if your snack maker can go up till 180 degrees celcius, maybe can be used for baking.
I pun this year rajin buat kuih..chewah puji diri sendiri mom paksa sebenarnya pasal she said harga kuih mahal..
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family DNAS :))
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