Mummy Darin tagged me to:
1. Take a recent picture of myself, or snap one right now.
So, here it is.
Since I read Mummy Darin's blog at around 3.30pm, this photo shows the obvious oil conquering my face. After running here and there, had lunch at the crowded food court, etc etc.... I wouldn't be looking like a commercial model at that hour, right?I took this shot in the office toilet (level 9).
Feeling very tired, but can still smile for the phone camera (which later I found out can't be configured to snap picture silently. I can only choose to have snapping sounds like 'click', 'keteng','ketik'.... but not silent. Cheh, how to curi-curi snap people 'cemolot' in LRT nanti?)
Then, I realized Zuhur sudah panjang. So, I rushed to ground floor and performed prayer. While, waiting for Waktu Asar, I snapped another photo. This is me, without any trace of make-up. That's telekung wakaf, by the way.
After Asar prayer, put on some make-up and snapped another photo in the office toilet (Ground Floor). I think I looked so happy sebab dah dekat nak balik. Yahoooo!
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair/scarf...just take a picture.
Eh, mana ada tukar-tukar.... cuma ada 3 version gambar je. Sume tangkap tadi.
3. Post that picture with NO editing
Honestly, no editing. I don't even have Photoshop installed on this laptop. Kalau nampak macam comel tu, sebab kenyataannya memang saya comel. Kikiki
4. Post this instruction with your picture.
Posted this instruction with my picturessssss....done.
5. Tag 5 people to do this:
And the winners are.....
1. Sher
2. Nour
3. Sheryl (blog dia private)
4. Zetty the zetster
5. Spenaaaaaaaaa
hoiiii!!! kenapa aku lak kena ni?? tak baik tau. ke kau nak tengok perubahan wajah aku semenjak mengajor stewardess :-)
alhamdulillah, i am not one of em.... hihihihi
ramai orang nak tengok kau dengan blusher, eye shadow, mascara etc. Kalau snap gambar masa kau tengah conduct class, lagi bagus. ;)
you'll be in the next tag, don't worry.
sarcy, if you want, you can take the tag on behalf of me.. you know la i camera shy kat blog... hahaha...
camera shy kalu, ambik gambar potrait, tapi cover muka ngan handbag.... hehehehe...
saya tag akak lagik
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