We visited Anfield last year. Tapi alangkah malangnya it was summer, takde game and Wazif didn't get to see his favorite players in the flesh. We only went on the museum tour. Even the stadium tour was fully booked then. Again, Wazif was frust tertonggeng lah.
So, when we learned that Liverpool was coming to Singapore, Mr. Hubby quickly purchased 2 tickets, for Wazif and him. Since I'm now in my 3rd trimester (8 months plus some more) takde sapa yang pelawa I pegi la kan...
On Sunday morning, pagi-pagi lagi aku dah kejut Wazif. Senang aje nak kejut dia pagi tu. 'Sapa nak pegi Singapore tengok Liverpool, cepat bangun!!!' Heheheh. Berkobar-kobar Wazif bangun.
Right after having breakfast, Mr. Hubby, Wazif and in-laws bertolak ke JB. Mr. Hubby parked his car at his parents' place and took public transport to Singapore. At 4pm Mr. Hubby texted me that they're almost there.
He texted me again after the match telling that they're coming back to KL soon. Gila punya terrer, balik hari je. I didn't know what time they reached the house. When I woke up the next morning I found Wazif sleeping heavily on his tilam. When I got up to head to the bathroom suddenly I heard his voice, 'Mak, best mak pegi tengok Liverpool. Rugi mak tak pegi...' His eyes were still shut and I thought he must be mengigau or what. Then suddenly he continued, 'Kelakar tau mak, ada sorang tu datang pakai jersey Man U. Lepas tu semua orang Boo dia...' Ok, he's not talking in his sleep. He's just too excited to share his experience but his eyes refused to open. 'Torres score satu goal tau mak...'
After that I had to listen to all his tales and adventure sepanjang hari Isnin itu. I pity his friends who had to listen to the same stories throughout the week.
Cool..another Liverpool's fan here
wowee tgk liverpool main..bestnye..
suka torres =)
~salam singgah
hahaha... sapa la yang sangat bijak pakai jersey Man U tuh!
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