Yesterday, I went to none other than FF The Curve and got to know that they're upgrading to Platinum soon. Seems like I'll need to upgrade my membership as well as FF The Curve is my favorite club. Although I could only go there perhaps once a month, I still think I need to upgrade to Premium simply because they're having an infinity pool there! Yeay!
Error: Just got my facts right. It's actually FF Empire Gallery that will have the infinity-edge pool. Most of the big FF clubs will be upgraded to Platinum so I might as well upgrade my membership. However, I'll need to pay more because my corporate membership must be converted to Passport.

I imagine the infinity pool would look something like this!
Back to reality, I don't think I'll be able to patronize FF The Curve as often and end up going to FF Consplant and IOI mall most of the days because they are nearer. *Sigh* After work traffic at the LDP can cause migraine so I better not go to FF The Curve on weekdays. (But the infinity pool sounds so inviting I might consider taking half day off on some days - especially when things are not going really well in the office).

So, how was the gym session yesterday? Hahaha.... I was actually laughing at myself. I managed to burn about 350 kCal during that 1.5 hour cardio session. My ex-colleague, Mrs. M was right when she told me that once you got pregnant, you'll have to start from zero again in order to get to the same fitness level you used to have prior to the pregnancy.
I did the stationary bike and my left knee hurt a bit, perhaps I should have applied some lubrication before working out. I did some stretching on the stretching station and almost fell off. Just remembered that some Yoga pants are made of really fine fabric, they're slippery. After that I did some rowing and felt like both my arms were falling off. Later, my right thigh failed me when I was on the last cardio machine. I decided not to go on the treadmill, stepper, elliptical and wave machine fearing I might vomit or pass out. Not only my muscle and joints were failing me, I also felt like I haven't been taking any sugar. You know, the low sugar condition when sometimes you feel the earth was slowly spinning. 4 glasses of lemon tea did help somehow. Post work-out, I gulped down a few more glasses of 100+ just to ensure I'd be able to walk to my car.
Obviously I have been neglecting sugar intake during my 44 days of confinement. Should have eaten more fruit and kuih raya... hehehe.
It's some kind of torture, I know, but I'm going again today! Yeay! As the writing they put on the wall says: Motivation is what gets you started; habit gets you going.
You go to FF the curve?? I go there 6 days a week.. well.. mostly in the mornings after work and on Sundays at 2 for my Training session. But yes.. I do love FF curve too.
we can try to workout together gether... and plus a tip.. jangan pakai yoga pants to work out... and you might consider taking the body balance class... its a good start to start over again.. :)
I usually go in the afternoon. We work in different timezone maaa... hehe.
I never realized that yoga pants are slippery until that day. Usually I wore my exercise pants to do cardio tapi, I couldn't locate them sebab dah tersimpan dalam almari sekian lama.
Next week I should start with Body Balance. Currently I cannot really stretch my legs sebab tempat incision tu terasa perit sikit.
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