This family (part of the family actually) picture was taken on 1st day of Raya. I inspected my face and notice the benjol on my right forehead. It has been there for quite some time but previously it was not that obvious. Not sure whether it has gotten bigger or perhaps my face has shrunk a bit after the delivery. But lately a few people have asked, 'What happened to your forehead?'
I got it after Shawqi 'attacked' me while I was resting in bed. He came out of nowhere, jumped onto the bed and before I could do anything his hard chin was hitting my forehead. It was painful, but I didn't expect to get this bump. The incident happened late last year, I think and this bump is still there. Is it going to be permanent? Is it going to grow? Huh, so scary. If it grows, it will look like a horn. Am I going to be starred in the next Hell Boy movie? Huwaaaa!!!
I think I should see a doctor but not sure which specialist to go to. Can anyone recommend? Is this related to bone, skull or nerves? If any doctor is reading this, besides the bump, there's no other symptoms such as vomiting or splitting headaches or external bruises/bleeding. However, if I press it really hard, it would hurt a bit. The funny thing is, after getting this bump I don't experience headaches any more. Even if I don't get enough sleep or driving under the hot sun. I wonder if this bump has somehow done some corrective actions to my brain. Well, that's good but I feel disfigured and is considering wearing jilbab/burqa when I start work in late October.
Besides that, perhaps I should attend the next audition for Hell Boy III. Who knows, kan? They might be searching for Mak Jin bertanduk satu. BTW, sapa dah tengok Jin Notti, sila tulis review.
Salam Dek Oiii....
Punya la lama tak menyinggah, baru ku tahu kau dah branak rupanya....
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Sungguh la rambut cam Aliff .. hahahaha...awat selalu karaoke lau si Aliff tu kah?
Hope both mommy & baby are doing well....
Salam Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin!
Selamat Hari Raya dan maaf zahir batin jugak Ibu....!!
Kiss your new baby girl for me, ok.... mesti comel...
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