We have been seeing the same paediatrician since 8 years ago. She was Wazif's and Shawqi's paedy as well. She asked me about Zarif's feeding pattern and bowel movement. When I told her that I'm feeding him every 2 hours she advised me to reduce it to once every 4 hours as the baby's weight fell under obese category. She showed me the growth chart and Zarif's weight was almost at the obese threshold.
Perhaps it's a new thing that I'm not aware of (ye lah, dah 7 tahun tak beranak). Now I have to be a bit strict with Zarif's diet. I feed him with 3 ounces of milk every 4 hours. In between them, I give him 3 ounces of water mixed with 1 scoop of milk powder only. And, oh yeah...I forgot to mention that I don't breastfeed the baby anymore due to some problems. Frankly speaking I've been having problems with breastfeeding since Wazif. I ended up pumping the milk and bottlefeed my babies.
My gynae and the paedy kept on encouraging me to breastfeed but I think I'm one of those mothers who's just unlucky. I tried the tips and methods suggested by the breastfeeding consultant but still failed. This is not about trying to 'jaga body' by not breastfeeding, this is simply a case of 'failed to breastfeed'. So, please don't criticize me. Every woman wants to be a good mother but some things are just fated and absolutely out of our control.

Nama saya Zarif, saya suka tidur... tapi saya rasa saya tak obese lah.... Peace!
He doesn't look obese to me!! I think my brothers were huger than him... yes, i remember how gemok my brothers were...
and by the way kakak, you don't have to justify yourself. your body, you know best!
He's definitely tak obese lah.. My children pun semua tembam tembam masa baby. Sekarang ni OK je.. Jangan dengor sangat cakap Dr tu kak Dayang...
that's why org kata sleep like a baby kan? jeles tengok dia tidur; so peaceful...
some people buat muka semacam when I told them that now the baby is 100% bottlefed. Depressed jugaklah bila orang buat accusing faces ni.
betul betul betul. Usually my children will lose weight after diorang pandai merangkak sebab by that time mesti dah lasak.
Kak Emy,
baby ni tido tak lama, belum 1 jam dia dah bangun, tengok sana-tengok sini. Pastu merengek nak orang dukung.
dayang, I understand how you feel... failed to breastfeed... I pon mengalami syndrome yg sama... sedih je tgk org boleh BF babies memasing...
but Alhamdulillah, anak I tetap membesar dgn eloknya
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