I woke up at around 6a.m the next morning to continue with the preparation. The nurses came into my room at 6.15 and I was already in hospital gown. The preparation took about 1 hour and I was wheeled to the operating theater at around 7.45 a.m.
All the while I was calm about the whole pregnancy thing but once the anaes started briefing on the spinal (lebih kurang epidural le tu) procedure he's about to perform, I became nervous - especially when he mentioned about the risks. Sungguh seriau rasanya.
When he poked me with the needle it was painless (sebab dia dah jab painkiller dulu). The nurses put a small blue drape in front of my face so that I'll not witness the whole procedure taking place on my lower abdomen. I felt movement and tugging throughout the procedure while the gynae, paediatrician, anaes and nurses were busy gossiping. I joined the gossiping and tried not to imagine what was taking place on the other side of the blue drape. However, at one point I could see blood spots on the drape, luckily not too much of them. Otherwise, mesti dah panic gile. A friend just told me the gory detail of her last C-sect where she was bleeding sampai kena tadah dengan baldi. Oh, gila punya seriau.
After the baby was pulled out and clean, I was given drug to start uterus contraction. This was when I could feel my face flushing, my ears felt hot and at the same time, small shivers started on my upper body. It was a very different experience from my previous C-sect. Usually the shivers only started when I was pushed to recovery area. Perhaps, this time different drugs were used.
The uterus contraction turned out to be so intense, I was in pain when I arrived at the recovery area. Even with numb feet, thighs and abdomen I could feel the uterus contracting. When I arrived at my room I was already asking the nurses for painkillers.
But as people always told you, once you held the baby all pain will be gone. That afternoon, when I saw my third boy in his cot being wheeled into my room the pain was slowly forgotten.

02nd September 09

25th August 09.
I have no idea how come my boy's hair nampak macam Aliff Aziz.
Tomei nyeeee... x mcm newborn.. nampak excited to see the world :)
Amboi rambut dia......
Congrats on the new born
congrats, lebatnya rambut...
congrats d.n.a.s. He looks soo adorable.. Tak nampak macam newborn lah. His expression macam dah matured and wise, gitu..
Hensem ni, bolehlah Khaleeda usha. We all kan like them young...
rambut cacak n lebat!! congratulations!
Kak Dayang....congrats...kite ni tak tau la bile nak dapt anak...kena usaha lagi ni....hihihihihih...anyway, baby tu sangat comei....
Congrats on your new baby boy.. MashaAllah.. He's such a cute baby.
Get well soon. Salam
Tahniah! Dah blh form satu regu takraw...
congrats! he looks handsome...
tapi kenapa disamakan dgn aliff aziz??? hahahahah
congratulations (he's so cute btw)
oh my goodness! serious punya mcm budak dah besar -- macho, tomel, dan hensem, all rolled into one! congrats dnas! may he become a soleh, bertakwa, and pendek kata, baik segalanya-lah type of person when he grows up nanti insyaAllah ameen...
congrats, kak dayang! hope you and baby are both well during confinement
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